Creating a User-Friendly Loan Calculator App with Vue 3
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Introduction to Vue 3
Vue 3 represents the latest iteration of the intuitive Vue JavaScript framework, which empowers developers to build dynamic front-end applications. In this guide, we will explore the steps to develop a loan calculator app utilizing Vue 3 and JavaScript.
Setting Up the Project
To initiate our Vue project, we will use the Vue CLI. The installation can be accomplished using the following commands:
For NPM:
npm install -g @vue/cli
For Yarn:
yarn global add @vue/cli
Once installed, create your project with:
vue create loan-calculator
You can choose all the default settings for a seamless setup.
Building the Loan Calculator App
The following code snippet illustrates how to construct the loan calculator app:
<form @submit.prevent="calculate">
<label>Loan Amount</label>
<input v-model.number="loanAmount" />
<label>Interest Rate</label>
<input v-model.number="interestRate" />
<label>Months to Pay Off Loan</label>
<input v-model.number="numMonths" />
<button type="submit">Calculate Monthly Payment</button>
<p>Monthly Payment: {{ monthlyPayment.toFixed(2) }}</p>
export default {
name: "App",
data() {
return {
loanAmount: 0,
interestRate: 0,
numMonths: 0,
monthlyPayment: 0,
computed: {
formValid() {
const { loanAmount, interestRate, numMonths } = this;
return (
+loanAmount >= 0 &&
0 <= +interestRate &&
+interestRate <= 100 &&
+numMonths > 0
methods: {
calculate() {
if (!this.formValid) {
const { loanAmount, interestRate, numMonths } = this;
this.monthlyPayment = (loanAmount * (1 + interestRate / 100)) / numMonths;
In this code, we create a form that includes fields for the loan amount, interest rate, and the duration in months to repay the loan. Each input is linked to a reactive property using the v-model directive, which ensures automatic conversion of the entered values to numbers through the number modifier.
The form also includes a button that triggers the submission event, calling the calculate method while preventing the default server-side submission behavior. The data method initializes reactive properties, while the formValid computed property checks for the validity of the input.
The calculate method uses the properties to compute the monthly payment if the form is valid. The result is displayed in the template, rounded to two decimal places using the toFixed method.
This first video tutorial titled "Build a calculator app with Vue JS" provides a visual guide on creating similar applications with Vue.js, helping you understand the concepts better.
By following this guide, you can successfully create a functional loan calculator using Vue 3 and JavaScript. This project not only enhances your coding skills but also helps you gain practical experience with Vue.js.
The second video, "Build a Loan Calculator Using Javascript 2021," offers additional insights and techniques for developing loan calculators, providing a broader understanding of the topic.