Hyperparameter Optimization with Hyperband: 30x Faster Insights

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Chapter 1: Understanding Hyperparameters

The effectiveness of a machine learning model largely hinges on selecting an optimal set of hyperparameters. To appreciate the significance of hyperparameter optimization, it's essential to clarify what hyperparameters entail. These can be viewed as input variables that influence model performance; they are the adjustable components that determine the accuracy of predictions. For instance, varying hyperparameters can lead to significantly different outcomes, from high accuracy to poor predictions. The process of identifying effective hyperparameters is known as hyperparameter optimization. Numerous techniques exist for this, ranging from basic methods like Grid Search and Random Search to more advanced approaches that learn from previous iterations, such as Bayesian Optimization. In this discussion, we'll focus on a more recent and efficient method known as Hyperband, which offers substantial speed advantages over Bayesian Optimization.

If you’re curious about Grid Search, Random Search, and Bayesian Optimization, check out this post:

While Bayesian Optimization has been a popular choice for optimization in machine learning, you might wonder why we need Hyperband. Although Bayesian Optimization excels in classical tasks like classification, it can become computationally intensive in deep learning scenarios, such as natural language processing. This is precisely where Hyperband outperforms, being capable of achieving speeds up to 30 times faster than Bayesian Optimization in deep learning applications (Li et al., 2016)!

Now, let’s delve into what Hyperband is all about.

Chapter 2: Conceptual Overview of Hyperband

Hyperband's core principle is to enhance exploration strategies by judiciously distributing limited resources toward the most promising hyperparameter configurations. To illustrate this concept, let’s consider the multi-armed bandit problem: Imagine a gambler in a casino faced with a row of slot machines. Similar to a machine learning algorithm constrained by resources, the gambler must choose which machines to play to maximize winnings. Here, the slot machines represent hyperparameters, as they directly affect the gambler's success. The gambler begins by randomly selecting a few machines to play and, based on the outcomes, decides which ones are worth pursuing further. The less promising machines are abandoned, allowing the gambler to focus his remaining resources on those with higher potential.

Translating this analogy to machine learning, Hyperband operates as follows: First, it allocates resources to randomly chosen hyperparameter sets and evaluates them. Next, it early-stops the less successful configurations, reallocating those resources to the more effective ones, continuing this process until the allocated resources are exhausted.

With this foundation laid, let’s put Hyperband into practice and analyze the results!

Chapter 3: Implementation of Hyperband

In this section, we will optimize the hyperparameters of a neural network classifier using the Hyperopt library for Hyperband. The implementation will be broken down into five key steps:

  1. Import necessary libraries.
  2. Define the search space for hyperparameters.
  3. Establish the objective function.
  4. Load the dataset.
  5. Initiate the optimization process.

Step 1: Import Libraries

We begin by importing the essential libraries. NumPy and scikit-learn are standard tools in machine learning, while Hyperopt is specifically designed for hyperparameter optimization.

import numpy as np

from hyperopt import fmin, tpe, Trials, hp # Hyperopt library

from sklearn.datasets import load_digits # Scikit-learn for datasets

from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score # Cross-validation utility

from sklearn.neural_network import MLPClassifier # Neural network classifier

import time

Step 2: Define the Search Space

The search space encompasses all potential hyperparameters and their respective values for the optimization task. In our case, we will explore four hyperparameters:

  • learning_rate_init: Initial learning rate of the optimizer.
  • hidden_layer_sizes: Configuration of neurons in each hidden layer.
  • alpha: Regularization parameter.
  • activation: Activation function for each neuron.

We will define this search space using hp.choice and hp.loguniform functions from Hyperopt.

# Define search space

space = {

'learning_rate_init': hp.loguniform('learning_rate_init', np.log(0.001), np.log(0.1)),

'hidden_layer_sizes': hp.choice('hidden_layer_sizes', [(32,), (64,), (128,), (256,), (32, 32), (64, 64), (128, 128), (256, 256)]),

'alpha': hp.loguniform('alpha', np.log(0.0001), np.log(0.01)),

'activation': hp.choice('activation', ['identity', 'logistic', 'tanh', 'relu'])


Step 3: Define the Objective Function

Next, we will specify the objective function, which evaluates each hyperparameter configuration. Here, the cross-validation score of the neural network classifier will serve as our objective function. This function will take a set of hyperparameters, initialize a classifier, and assess its performance via cross-validation.

We will minimize the negative of the cross-validation score, as Hyperopt seeks to minimize the objective function.

# Define objective function

def objective(params):

clf = MLPClassifier(







score = cross_val_score(clf, X, y, cv=5).mean()

return -score # Minimize negative score

Step 4: Load the Dataset

In this step, we will load the digits dataset from scikit-learn. The load_digits dataset is a benchmark for testing classification tasks, featuring 8x8 images of handwritten digits. Each image is represented as an array of grayscale values, with the target variable corresponding to the digit (0-9). This dataset contains 1,797 images, with 10% reserved for testing and 90% for training.

This dataset is ideal for evaluating classifier performance due to its manageable size and quick processing time.

# Load data from sklearn

digits = load_digits()

X, y =,

Step 5: Optimize Hyperparameters

Finally, with all preparations complete, we will execute the hyperparameter optimization using Hyperband. The fmin() function from Hyperopt will help us run the algorithm. Here are the key arguments:

  • fn: The objective function defined earlier.
  • space: The search space we just established.
  • algo: The optimization algorithm (we will utilize the Tree-structured Parzen Estimator).
  • max_evals: The maximum number of iterations for Hyperband.
  • trials: An instance of the Trials() class to track the optimization results.

We will also use the time package to measure the duration of this process.

# Start time

start_time = time.time()

# Run hyperband algorithm

trials = Trials()

best = fmin(







# End time

end_time = time.time()


print(f"elapsed_time: {round((end_time - start_time)/60, 1)} minutesn")

print(f"best hyperparameter set:")


Results: Hyperband Optimization Outcomes

In this article, we examined the critical role of hyperparameter optimization in machine learning and introduced Hyperband as an efficient methodology that leverages resource allocation and exploration to swiftly identify optimized hyperparameter sets, far outpacing traditional techniques like Bayesian Optimization. We then implemented Hyperband and assessed its performance against a sequential neural network.

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Hyperband Hyperparameter Optimization

Explore the Hyperband approach to hyperparameter optimization in this insightful video, detailing the method and its advantages.

Watch this tutorial on AutoML with Hyperband, showcasing its application and effectiveness in streamlining machine learning workflows.

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